Constitutional Law II - Oh Con Law, how you continue to excite me with your insane decisions and twisted logic. Actually, this class is so far a lot better than Con Law I. I think Con Law II is strictly First Ammendment, or at least most of the semester is. This class is interestingly enough taught by the Dean, who taught this course for years before becoming a Dean. He takes an awesomely practical approach. Also, this class is two credits, and therefore meets twice a week for 50 minutes each time, so that makes it much easier.
Sales and Leases - This class is bar tested, so I thought it would be a good idea to take it. It is basically the Maryland Commercial Code. The reading is only one or two pages per night, but we also do one or two problems, which can take 45 minutes each during class. It is a step-by-step analysis. Very exhausting, but so far I feel like I am learning a ton in this class.
Civil Procedure II - Civ Pro II is actually Civ Pro I everywhere else in the country, but for some reason UB does them backwards. I wasn't entirely smitten with my Civ Pro I professor's teaching style, but at the same time I found her exam entirely fair and reasonable, so I took her again. She is somehow more enthusiastic about Civ Pro II, so that is good.
Professional Responsibility - Required of all law students... I signed up for it this semester because the professor is awesome. This class actually has some surprisingly practical implications.
Patents, Trademarks, and Technology - Required for my participation in IP Moot Court. We have actually covered surprsingly little material so far, but I am really excited to be finally taking courses that I selected purely from an intellectual cuiriousity standpoint.
All in all, not a bad looking semester!
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