Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Internship Update

Well, as noted before I have been doing some research and planning work for my internship.  This week is the deadline of the first draft, and naturally as an over-eager-over-achiever 1L I pulled an all nighter making sure this was the best collection of possibly related materials My Judge has ever seen.

Then I went to email it, and realized that the PDF file is about 25MB, and my school's email server only sends up to 20MB...

Additionally, I already know My Judge's laptop only has the memory to open 3 of his wedding pictures before requiring a restart.  I also know that I need to hire his photographer when I get married (after meeting the girl of my dreams, graduating law school, and making tons of money, so, sometime around 2054).

"But Judge, I swear, it is a beautiful pdf, with bookmarks! and a table of contents! and annotations explaining what each document is so you don't have to read it yourself but can act like you have when someone on the panel talks about it!"

In other news, it is supposed to be 103 today in Baltimore.  I'll let you know what that feels like in a suit.

1 comment:

  1. The thought of wearing a suit in 100+ weather brings tears to my eyes.
