Who knew? But, after having reviewed the Maryland Rules of Civil Procedure, yes, it is true, there is no summary judgment in district court. See all these useful things I am learning during my internship?
On a more serious note, this does directly relate to my internship. There also are no real written opinions, and very few questions of substantive law at district court. Therefore, while I get to see a lot, and I am actually learning a ton, I don't do much in the way of "work" for My Judge. So far the most important project I have completed successfully updating My Judge's trial manual with the past two years worth of supplements and changes.
Therefore, I was really, really excited when he very seriously told me he had a month long project for me to work on. And it involves LEGAL RESEARCH. So I happily ran to school the very next day, and printed out a few hundred cases, and dug into my undergrad days to find some scholarly journals of a non-legal nature, and began reading.
It is also amazing how much more excited you get about legal work when you aren't having it shoved forcibly down your throat 6 days a week. It's really refreshing.
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